Last week Hazel was concentrating on one stitch and pushing the possibilities of it. So here in the paper blog this week we are going to do the same thing – but with a mark. This is one of the creative warmups we use with students on our year-long courses; these are a great kick-start if you want to do something creative but don’t know where to start or are out of ideas. Once you get doing something, anything, you’ll find the ideas start to flow. You might even decide to start a daily practice… (more on this next week).
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Whether you are an experienced stitcher or picking up a needle for the very first time, welcome to the beginning of our Cloth Project blog.
Go put the kettle on and brew your favourite drink (or if it's after 6pm, mine's a G&T please!), gather your supplies and join us as we embrace a slower pace of life, discover the joy of creating, and hopefully in these troubled times, find some inner peace and fulfilment as well as a creative voice. Welcome to the first #institchescreative2020 - it's great to have you along!
Those of you who know us at InStitches will know that we love everything about hand-made books, so when we were planning this series this was an obvious place to start! These simple little books are easy to make and very versatile. You can make them any size, and if you make several the same size they can be linked together (more later) to form a much bigger volume. They are a great place to keep all your paper-based explorations and a useful small book to take with you on a (solitary) walk to record what you see in words and scribbles. They also make great little gifts to include with a card. We are all having to come to terms with the devastating impact of Coronavirus. Compared to all those key workers in the NHS, vaccine research, the emergency services, the food supply chain, and the many more unsung heroes who are working around the clock to make sure we stay safe and well, what we do does seem a luxury. But we'd like to play our part too, so we've spent the last few days thinking how we can help. We set up InStitches because we wanted to share our passion and to inspire as many people as possible to get stitching and creating. We know that for many of you it isn't just 'messing about' with paper, paint, cloth and thread. It's about friendship, community, inner peace, fulfilment, the joy of creating, developing a creative voice and so, so much more. We know, we get it; we are with you on that.
Our gift to you over these next days, weeks and even months to come is a spark of creative joy. Take this moment to stop, slow down and make time to appreciate the smaller pleasures in life. |
Welcome to our blog! Here you'll find out what's been going on, plus plenty of ideas and inspiration and the odd cake recipe! Check back often to see what we're up to - it's great to have you along Hazel & Terry Categories
June 2020
- Home
- Bursary
Create your own cloth
- Create your own cloth play days
- Create your own cloth - with surface design
- Create your own cloth - in a bucket
- Create your own cloth - with a screen
- Create your own cloth - using resists
- Create your own cloth - Paper lamination
- Create your own cloth - Exploring Indigo
- Create your own cloth - Breakdown your palette
- Create your own cloth - with earth pigments
- Create your own cloth with Nature's colours
Guest tutor workshops
Guest tutors 2025
- Judith Needham - weave your own chicken
- Claire Benn - Intent on abstract Composition
- Anna Woodhead - Paper lamination
- Matthew Harris - Chain reaction
- Sam Jones - Exploring Indigo
- Leah Higgins - Breakdown your palette
- Claire Benn - Out of this earth
- Sam Jones - Nature's colours
- Richard McVetis - A stitch drawn
- Claire Benn - TEXTure
- Leah Higgins - Breakdown your palette
- Kate Findlay - Procreate for textile design
- Want to stay locally?
Guest tutors 2025
- Other courses
- Shop
InStitches: exciting courses for people who love textiles, dyeing, design, stitching and sketchbooks
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